Informix SQL Capture Techniques

Updated June 2020

Informix SQL Capture Techniques: InformixHQ GUI available from IDS 12.10.FC13 and 14.10.FC1.


Analysis of SQL statements going through a database engine can be the most important task to improve user response times. Even if you think all is well, you may discover coding faults or unexpected choices made by the query optimizer, resulting in longer execution times and higher system load, that can often be easily fixed once you know which are the worst. It isn’t just the longest queries that matter: saving a few milliseconds on a statement can have a big impact if it’s run thousands of times. Increasingly, database security and auditing is becoming a focus. For example, there may be a requirement to identify which users have made schema changes or updated certain tables. Most auditing solutions focus on how specific data records have changed, however, sometimes it is more meaningful to know what SQL was actually run to generate that change. Whatever the requirement, in order to analyse SQL workload, we need to capture SQL statements. Over recent years, a number of commercial solutions have entered the market that are designed to provide a SQL capture capability. We’ve evaluated most of these products including: iWatch (Exact Solutions); SQL Power (SQL Power Tools). An analysis of these tools is outside the scope of this particular article. This article will focus on what can be achieved with the underlying Informix software utilities (including Informix SQL/SPL scripting approaches) and various Informix management interfaces and tools.

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Informix SQL Capture Techniques2020-08-14T13:27:19+01:00

Informix V12 – Fragmentation Vs. Sharding


Fragmentation vs Sharding. So, what is it? Fragmentation has been available in Informix since V7.00 which was released in the mid-nineties. It allows you to group data rows and/or indexes for a table according to a user-defined distribution scheme and physically place these fragments in separate dbspaces and on separate physical disks. This can bring benefits to query performance by spreading the I/O over multiple devices, by elimating the need to read fragments not relevant to a particular query or even scanning multiple fragments in parallel. As data volumes grow, the ability to fragment large tables across multiple dbspaces can also reduce the requirement to create dbspaces with larger page sizes and the additional buffer pools required for them. But, in today’s Big Data era, as data storage requirements grow at an ever increasing pace, what if the performance and capacity of a single server can no longer meet these demands ? One possible answer could be Sharding. Sharding was introduced at V12, it allows you to group data rows and index keys for a table according to a user-defined distribution scheme and physically place these fragments on separate servers, locally or remotely. This allows the resources of some or all of these servers to be used when processing queries. As your database grows, rather than scaling up by adding more processors and/or RAM to an existing server, you can scale out by adding more servers. Also, as Sharding makes use of Informix Enterprise Replication, there is no requirement for the server hardware and operating systems to be the same. Read on to discover the pros and cons of Informix V12 Fragmentation vs Sharding.

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Informix V12 – Fragmentation Vs. Sharding2020-08-18T10:44:58+01:00

The Impact of DIRECT_IO and File System Caching


This article follows on from the earlier TPC-C benchmarking performed on IDS 12.10, if you missed it, you can read it here. This article takes a view on the topic of DIRECT_IO and its use within IDS, it also highlights the impact of file system caching on Linux, which is relevant for those editions of Informix where DIRECT_IO cannot be used. Lastly, a ‘just for fun’ comparison of DIRECT_IO and RAW devices for readers to come to their own conclusions. Read on to learn more about the impact of DIRECT_IO and File System Caching on IDS.

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The Impact of DIRECT_IO and File System Caching2020-08-14T12:30:18+01:00

Little known IDS commands: genoncfg


In this series of articles, we are exploring some of the lesser known, lost and forgotten commands buried away in your Informix bin directory. Today we’re going to have a closer look at the lesser known IDS commands: genoncfg utility. As the name suggests, this command generates a basic onconfig file for you, given a set of input parameters. Although this was our first encounter with the utility, it became apparent this utility is not working as expected; as a result, we’re not going to suggest you use it to generate a configuration for an important environment. Instead, this article will concentrate on the parts that do appear to work, and how the results differ from a configuration generated by the installer. These tests were carried out on IDS V12.10.FC6IE.

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Little known IDS commands: genoncfg2024-06-14T11:04:24+01:00

Makefile A Simple Informix ESQL-C


If you’re building or fixing Informix ESQL-C applications then you’re almost guaranteed to come across the UNIX ‘make’ utility. This article describes Makefile, a simple Informix ESQL-C  that can be adapted for many small projects.

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Makefile A Simple Informix ESQL-C2020-08-14T12:08:39+01:00

New Features in AGS Server Studio & Sentinel


AGS Server Studio & Sentinel are the tools of choice for day-to-day Informix DBA tasks, SQL development and system monitoring. For those who have been using it as long as we have, it is worth recapping on some of the features added since our version 7 video demos at were created.

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New Features in AGS Server Studio & Sentinel2020-08-14T13:23:44+01:00

Understanding Informix Configurations


Understanding Informix configurations is key to get the most out of your Informix installations. With Informix versions 11.50, 11.70 and 12.10, IBM has introduced an array of new configuration parameters that support new advanced capabilities and provide increased flexibility and agility. With all of these versions, IBM has also introduced greater self-management capability meaning that the database server can more readily adapt to its environment and workload – the database server itself takes control over part of its run-time configuration. This article examines the fundamental configuration data we can expect to find on any Informix systems today and where we find it, to ultimately help you improve your understanding of Informix configurations.

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Understanding Informix Configurations2020-08-14T13:22:54+01:00

Making Microsoft SQL Linked Server and Informix Standard engine work


Microsoft SQL Server is a popular choice for consolidation of report data from multiple database products, as its Linked Server feature – which is included in the base product – makes it possible to access tables in heterogeneous databases within T-SQL via OLE DB or ODBC. However, the settings are not obvious that are required to make this work with Informix Standard Engine (SE) – the legacy version of Informix that uses C-ISAM to store tables (*.dat) and indexes (*.idx) in individual files (whereas Dynamic Server manages storage within its own “dbspaces”). This article reveals how to make Microsoft SQL Linked Server and Informix Standard Engine work together.

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Making Microsoft SQL Linked Server and Informix Standard engine work2020-08-14T13:21:38+01:00

Bug in IDS 11+ sysadmin:alertcleanup function fix

Updated June 2020

Fixed in IDS 12.10.xC6 and 14.10:


Bug in IDS 11: This article describes a bug in a function provided with IBM Informix Dynamic Server (IDS) which could result in disk space being filled. We have reported this to IBM who have assigned defect number (APAR) IT09329. Meanwhile, you can fix your system using code provided below.

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Bug in IDS 11+ sysadmin:alertcleanup function fix2020-08-14T13:21:15+01:00

Little known IDS commands: onsecurity


Continuing the series of lesser known IDS commands lurking in the bin directory of your Informix installation directory, today we’re looking at onsecurity. It is very important to keep your database server and associated files secure; as well as keeping your data safe, later versions of IDS will refuse to start should the base ownership and permissions be too insecure. If your installation has been moved or copied, or other files or directories been added over time, IDS may not be running in the most secure environment. Shipped with IDS since version 11.50.FC4, the onsecurity utility can check a given directory path is secure, report on any issues found, and can even generate a script to remedy the situation.

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Little known IDS commands: onsecurity2024-06-14T11:06:33+01:00
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