Informix Database Health Check
We offer three Informix database health checks:
Quick Health Check
A simple, easy-to-follow, graphical report which highlights the key areas of concern in an Informix system. It’s a great way to get a high level view of the state of an Informix installation.
Standard Health Check
This is a high-level report which identifies opportunities for improvement in an Informix database system with clear recommendations and relevant best practice guidelines.
Full Health Check
A comprehensive and complete health check report of an Informix installation providing detailed analysis of system performance, security, capacity, availability and recoverability.
Frequently asked questions about our Informix database health checks:
We can perform a health check on any version or edition of IBM Informix Dynamic Server. Our standard health check service does not cover non-IDS products (e.g. Informix Standard Engine, Informix C-ISAM or Informix Online). If you are not running Informix Dynamic Server and you need assistance please contact our sales team to discuss a bespoke health check service.
You can book a quick health check by using the button below. As this is a free service and we are not directly accessing the customer’s systems, we can run a quick health check on demand without a purchase order or any other paperwork.
We provide a series of Informix commands in a readable text format and require that the customer runs these on the target Informix system. These are provided via email and take seconds to run. Once we receive the output files from the customer we can produce the health check report in a few minutes.
A maximum of 30 days. In the full health check exercise we would use AGS Sentinel to monitor an Informix database system for a period of up to 30 days. At the end of the monitoring period we would produce a comprehensive report which includes specific recommendations for improvement. The longer we have to monitor a database environment the more accurate and extensive our knowledge of that environment. We would recommend a minimum of 14 days monitoring.
No remote access or data interchange is required for either the quick health check or the standard health check. Our full health check service requires privileged Informix system access. Depending on security restrictions it can be performed onsite or remotely.
No. We supply and configure all of the required software and there is no charge for the software we use. Once we have completed the full health check service we will remove the software as part of the engagement. If the customer would like to continue to monitor their Informix environment using the tools we use then optionally they can purchase the licences for an additional fee. In this case, we would not remove the software.
With every new release of the Informix product, IBM introduces new features and new capabilities. During a full health check we would expect to understand the available features and capabilities that are not being used and to identify opportunities to use those features that are relevant to the customer’s own Informix environment.
A full health check provides detailed analysis of system performance, security, capacity, availability and recoverability. System performance relates to system efficiency. It helps us to determine if we can get more out of the customer’s underlying hardware. A performance review is focused on database application performance and the application user experience. Database application performance is not usually investigated during a health check exercise.
As part of a full system health check we perform a high-level database security assessment. The security assessment uses a combination of tools and utilities that are provided by IBM Informix and other third party tools that we have adapted for this purpose. We also provide a separate database security vulnerability assessment which can be performed independently from an Informix health check.